Wednesday, 10 May 2017
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Stroud Conference Center - 218 West Main Street Stroud, OK 74079
- Roll Call
Tulsa Agenda | OKC Agenda - Review and Approval of March 2017 MCB Meeting Minutes
- EMSA President Report
- Medical Director / Assistant Medical Director Report
After return by the board to the public meeting, discussion and possible action by the board regarding any item of business which concerns the above-described review proceeding and is considered during the Executive Session.
Discussion and possible board action on an executive session of the board, as authorized by Title 25, Section 307B.7 of the Oklahoma Statutes, for the purpose of conducting a confidential Quality Assurance and/or Quality Improvement review proceeding in relation to the revocation of clinical privileges of Conrad Banks by the Office of the Medical Director in accordance with the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. § 11101 et seq., which proceedings are confidential pursuant to Title 63, Section 1-2504.2C of the Oklahoma Statutes.
Review and Approval of February and March 2017 MCB Financial Statements
- Review and Approval of IFT Equipment Ambulance Inspection Form
Review and Action on Protocol:
Review and Action on Policy:
- Discussion and Approval of MCB 2017-2018 Budget
After return by the board to the public meeting, discussion and possible action by the board regarding any item of business which concerns the above-described review proceeding and is considered during the Executive Session.
- Information Items
- New Business
- Next Meeting - 12 July, 2017
- Adjournment